Men's messenger bags and bags sale
On this page you will find our sales for men's messenger bags and shoulder bags. These fashion accessories do not only have a functional side even if you will of course choose them because of their practical side and for everything that you can store there: mobile phone, music player, wallet and various papers.
But by buying this small masculine bag, you also think about the trendy aspect of this fashion accessory. Indeed, created by the biggest brands such as Kaporal, Pepe Jeans or Redskins, it allows you to display your style and personality. Depending on your outfit, you will choose a bag or bag to carry over the shoulder or a bag that you will carry on your back. Your purchase will also be made according to your transport habits, depending on whether you travel by car, public transport or scooter. Another way to mark your style is color. You can in fact order bags with original patterns and all colors from our store.
Of course, your choice must match your outfit. Carrying your bag should not seem out of step with your coat. Our salespeople will be able to advise you on this subject, telling you which is the best fashion accessory to wear according to your style. Visit our stores in Lille, Douai or Paris.
Unable to travel to the Capital or the Nord department? Order online and benefit from multiple advantages such as secure payment and the Satisfied or Refunded option.