It is a close-fitting cut. The product will be fitted at the waist and the sleeves will be quite tight.<br><br> This type of jacket will be worn more easily open due to its fitted appearance.<br><br> The Slimfit cut is the most widespread among leather clothing, it is the fashionable cut!
Our advice :
Choose your usual size! If you prefer to wear your jacket a little looser, you can possibly opt for a larger size.

Herrejakke Redskins NITRO BARCELONA GUL
Herrejakke Redskins NITRO BARCELONA GUL
NITRO BARCELONA YELLOW herrejakken fra Redskins-mærket er en biker-kravejakke lavet af gult lammeskind. Det er en jakke, der passer til alle årstider. Den har et slimfit snit, det vil sige sidder og bæres tæt ind til kroppen.