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Patrouille de France

79 objekt

The Aerial Elegance of the Patrouille de France at Redskins

A Collection Inspired by Legends of the Sky

History of the Patrouille de France

The Redskins Patrouille de France collection pays homage to the French national acrobatic squadron, a symbol of prowess and elegance in the air. Since its creation, the Patrouille de France has distinguished itself by its discipline and excellence, inspiring generations through its breathtaking air shows.

Product Details

Our leather jackets, made with the greatest care, embody the finesse and agility of the Patrouille de France pilots. Each item of clothing, from down jackets to sweatshirts, is imbued with the daring and refined spirit of this high-flying team. The colors, patterns and finishes of each piece reflect the unique identity of the Patrouille de France, offering a clothing experience that is both modern and steeped in history.

Why Our Collection Stands Out

By choosing the Patrouille de France collection from Redskins, you wrap yourself in a piece of French aeronautical history. This collection is not just a series of clothing, it is a tribute to the art of flying and the effortless elegance of aces in the sky.
