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Herenjas van Patrouille de France

38 items
Normale prijs €745,00
This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
    Normale prijs €745,00
    This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
      Normale prijs €745,00
      This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
        Normale prijs €490,00
        This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
          Van €670,00
          This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
            Van €670,00
            This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
              Van €670,00
              This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
                Van €670,00
                This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
                  Normale prijs €670,00
                  This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
                    Normale prijs €165,00
                    This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
                      Normale prijs €670,00
                      This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
                        Normale prijs €670,00
                        This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
                          Normale prijs €490,00
                          This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
                            Normale prijs €149,00
                            This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
                              Normale prijs €349,00
                              This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.
                                Normale prijs €349,00
                                This product is a red dot product and cannot benefit from offers or promotions.

                                  Luchtvaartliefhebber? Hier zijn de officiële modellen van de Patrouille de France onder Redskins-licentie! Ontdek een hele collectie leren jassen, t-shirts en accessoires in de kleuren van Franse piloten.

                                  Het model Rafal is het PAF pilotenjack bij uitstek. Met zijn afneembare bontkraag is hij verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren. Veel bommenwerpers, een andere stijl die erg populair is bij jachtpiloten, maken deel uit van het assortiment ontworpen door het Franse merk Redskins.

                                  Op dezelfde manier als onze ambassadeurs van de acrobatische patrouille van Frankrijk aan boord van hun Alpha Jet tijdens de Parade van 14 juli, draag de kleuren van de Franse lucht- en ruimtemacht.

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